Body image
"Dad! I think Michael Jackson is a psycho."
"Why so?"
"Did you look at his face lately? He looks like an ugly white woman."
"It sure looks like he has been under the knife many times."
"I saw his pictures when he was a young boy. He had a huge nose."
"So, you think he was justified to change his appearance?"
"I don’t know what that word “justified” means. Simple English please."
"You think it was O.K for him to have cosmetic surgery?"
"I have a big nose too. Do you see me going for cosmetic surgery?"
"Good. I am happy to note that you and your nose are well-adjusted."
"Why do people want to change their appearance anyway?"
"I guess it has something to do with poor body image. You know, you get up in the morning and look yourself up in the mirror, and you don’t like what you see."
"You look horrible in the morning too. Do you like what you see?"
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